ROSE Holiday BonBons and VIOLET Ribbon Candy arrive at 5 pm. Practice begins at 5:15 pm. ALL dancers with a maximum of one parent per dancer/family report to the AUDITORIUM in costume, hair and headpiece in place, makeup optional.
No additional family will be allowed in on FRIDAY night, sorry! ENTER West DOOR #18 ONLY, do NOT use main or any other entrance.
A wrestling tournament is happening in the gym and SDA parents/dancers MUST enter door #18 ONLY! A school logistical map will be Gmailed so you know where door #18 is and where to park.
ONE PARENT per dancer maximum in attendance for ROSE and VIOLET only allowed Friday night, drop off preferable for Violet dancers. Hall monitors will help your dancer find the Auditorium and sit with their cast for stage practice.
NO parents or dancers may enter the main West hallways or be on Main Street near the tournament. The Gmailed map will show the route to and from entry #18 to the Auditorium and back out.
SDA will provide H20- NO dancer WATER BOTTLES to leave behind please.
Fri practice: absolutely NO FOOD or any kind of drinks in the Auditorium, except water, NO EXCEPTIONS. Dancers will be escorted back to door #18 for pick up at 6:20 pm, after practice ends at 6:15 pm.
SAT DEC 16- PERFORMANCE DAY ROSE/VIOLET DANCERS! ENTER West any open door, Main entrance is great!
Arrive 15-30 minutes before curtain in costume, pink tights/shoes, correct hair and makeup-no lipstick. Check in your dancer in the backstage hallway with SDA helpers and find your seats in the auditorium.
SDA will provide H20- NO dancer WATER BOTTLES to leave behind please.
Bring lipstick in a Ziploc bag with DANCER NAME on it if you want SDA helpers to apply right before dancers performance. Dancers will be brought to BACKSTAGE hallway for you to collect after each show.
Family/dancer pics on stage after the show are fine with us! FRI DEC 15-STAGE PRACTICE AQUA/SAGE DANCERS! Arrive @5:30 pm, no earlier please.
Practice begins at 5:45 pm. ALL dancers report to the AUDITORIUM in costume, hair and headpiece in place, makeup optional.
No family will be allowed in on FRIDAY night, sorry! ENTER West DOOR #18 ONLY, do NOT use main or any other entrance.
A wrestling tournament is happening in the gym and SDA dancers MUST enter door #18 ONLY! A school logistical map will be Gmailed so you know where door #18 is and where to park.
Hall monitors will help your dancer find the Auditorium and sit with their cast for stage practice. NO dancers may enter the main West hallways or be on Main Street near the tournament.
The Gmailed map will show the route to and from entry #18 to the Auditorium and back out. Fri practice: absolutely NO FOOD or any kind of drinks in the Auditorium, except water, NO EXCEPTIONS.
SDA will provide H20- NO dancer WATER BOTTLES to leave behind please. Dancers will be escorted back to door #18 for pick up at approx 7:50 pm.
SAT DEC 16- PERFORMANCE DAY AQUA/SAGE DANCERS! ENTER West any open door, Main entrance is great!
Arrive 30 minutes before curtain in costume, pink tights/shoes, correct hair and makeup. Check in your dancer in the CHOIR ROOM (same at East) with SDA helpers and find your seats in the auditorium.
Don't bring anything you don't need, leave valuables OUT of the dressing area with parents or at home.
SDA will provide H20- NO dancer WATER BOTTLES to leave behind please.
Family/dancer pics on stage after the show are fine with us!