ROSE ~ ages 3-6, pre-K; must be 2 years 10 months to start class/potty trained. 5:45-6:45 pm Mon, Wed and Thurs 5:45-6:45 pm Tues (must be 5 years or in kindergarten to join this class)
NO BLACK SHOES at SDA- click above link: 'Dancer Info', then 'Attire and Shoes' for what to wear guidelines!
VIOLET ~ ages 6-8, 1st-3rd grades MON: 5:45-6:45 ballet-*fusion-jazz MON: 6:45-7:15 ACRO-dance/tumbling (add on class) MON: 6:45-7:15 competition class TUES: 5:45-6:45 ballet-*fusion-jazz (combo class w/Rose 5 year olds) WED: 5:15-5:45 ACRO-dance/tumbling (add on class) WED: 5:45-6:45 ballet-tap-jazz THURS: 5:45-6:45 ballet-tap-jazz FRI: 5:45-7:15 competition class* time change 2025
*FUSION- our combo modern-lyrical-contemporary style, unique to SDA!
TUITION SESSIONS: tuition must be paid prior to 1st class each session Winter1- Jan 6-Feb 1 Winter2 - Feb 3-Mar 1 Spring1- Mar 3-29 Spring2- Apr 7-May 3 Concert- May 5-30 All tuition sessions above are 4 weeks.
ALL DANCERS receive a discount for every class after the first hour! Add up dancer hours for a total hours per week (per individual child or family), check rates below.
Back2Dance student registration fee: $45 per child (Aug-May, full year) Winter/Spring student registration fee: $25 per child (Jan-May, half year)
SDA Tuition 2024-25 45 min class per week: $62 (4 weeks) 1 hour class per week: $72 (4 weeks) 2 hours class per week: $112 (4 weeks) 3 hours class per week: $150 (4 weeks) 4 hours class per week: $186 (4 weeks)